Thursday, September 10, 2015

Short post here

      Sorry I've been so MIA since the blog started, I did not realize how much shit needed to be done. In addition to me having floorset shifts and shifts I didn't know I had I'm currently exhausted. I love working at B&BW but the head manager keeps fucking up and making everyone's job harder by not doing hers. Anyways wish me luck guys, I have one more shift tomorrow until I get a day off. Then I'm going to blog the day awayyyy.


Tea said...

Maybe YOU should be head manager. 8)
I hope you're getting paid overtime at least.
Good luck and keep up the energy at work. :<

Lynna said...

GURL WERK IT. You are a freaking trooper.
I rreally think u need some rest and relaxation. Go to the spa or something :) and get a massage. Or just hit the hot tub up.

Also random thought : Why dont you move back down here when I'm ready to move out? probably by the end of this year...?? Then we can move out together :)

Tea said...

Oh shit. If she moves back down here with her job experience--- She's for sure going to get somewhere. :O Plus we can all take community college together too. 8)

AiMidori said...

If things end up not working out by summer next year, I'll probably be moving back, as sad as that makes me.

Tea said...

It'll work out either way tbh.
If you come back here you can always go back to school too.
Finally major in some shit you like. :9