Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Grrrr Work

         Yet again I am being called into work on my days off. I haven't really had time to relax, write a blog, or ANYTHING. At least I'm making more money and I'll be visiting you guys this weekend so we can party. I've been given the title of sales lead for holiday box up, which is basically inventory management, and I heard a rumor that they might give me the sales lead for marketing as well. Not sure how I feel about this. 
         On one side, hell yea I'm being promoted but also I don't want to take the job if I'm planning to leave soon. If it paid more than I would take it but it doesn't, its just more responsibility and I'd rather have them have someone else be trained to do it if I am planning to leave soon. I'm doing toooo well, I've only actually been with them for 3 and a half months.
         Getting more hours and being promoted is great and all but I also want to focus on the programming that I want to do. Anytime I have some days off and I plan to do chores or work on programming I get called into work and its a little frustrating. Idk I'm just a little iffy on everything right now.


Tea said...

Awh fcuk man. Melon cream soda sounds good right now. //stares at gif.
But either way I totally know what you mean.
I'm really happy that they like you and want to give you more hours---
But if you're getting overworked I think it's time to start saying no to those extra hours. :(

Are you planning to leave soon?????? Did you get an interview at IFFTI aka the sock company??

Either way-- start saying no to get called in. I started noticing 'Qrew' wanted to do that too in the beginning when I worked, but I was like 'Uhhh no. I already have plans set.'
Now that I think about it...It really isn't worth picking up more responsibilities if you're getting paid minimum wage AND you're getting over worked.


Lynna said...

you should ask for a raise if possible..??
and if not, I think you should try it anyways, see how it goes. I agree that it will look really good on your resume.
but I was wondering why you're planning to leave soon? Did you have another job lined up or??
FILL ME IN GURL I'm confused.

Otherwise I understand completely, I'm in the same freaking boat .. ;_; I feel you girl. but I'm gonna definitely ask for a raise next week if possible.

Keep us posteddd!