Thursday, August 20, 2015

being an adult

is a tough life.
Bills, rent, werking two jobs.  but I am relatively happy. My job stresses me out a lot though, I cried today at work.. my bosses are kind of psychopaths.  There are times when I want to just walk out, and times when I think: hey -this ain't so bad.  It fluctuates a lot :/  I'll just stay here until I can't stand it anymore.

Right now, I have a lot more responsibilities... but taking them one day at a time.
And I'm still going out and enjoying myself.  And of course the love life is going pretty well so there's that.

Doing freelance is a lot of fun too, although it feels like I'm really working two jobs and takes a lot out of me when I have busy's okay though! I'm going to stick with the day job for now, and do freelance on the side until they take me on board full time!  If I crack at the day job, I'll just leave, take it easy, and just do freelance. I have some risk-taking room since I'm still living at home currently.

How is everyone's adult lives going?
I know the struggle is seriously real.

But I think we can do it.

Just try your best, and try to enjoy the journey along the way.

The most important thing is being happy while you're on your journey!

If you don't have happiness, then money means nothing!  I'd rather become a beach bum on an island than be miserable :)

Let's start posting again if possible


Tea said...

Beach bum sounds nice at the moment. Get away from the internet and toxic girlfriends lol.

AiMidori said...

That sounds super tough, hang in there tho! Why do bosses have to be psychopaths

Ace said...

toxic girlfriends & psychopaths be my fave. -__-

Tea said...

Yes. They will come in errday.
If we just hit them with a rock maybe they'll stop.