Friday, September 25, 2015


Since we've been planning and brainstorming for our Alaska trip recently, I've started to really think about traveling again, although I just recently went to Italy about a few months ago.

That old wanderluster inside me stirring again already! I'm always hungry for new sights, new experiences, and to step foot on foreign soil. It's honestly such an amazing experience and I always come back a new person. Sure, it's expensive to travel all the time but I can't imagine anything better to spend your money on, and I would never spend this much on anything else anyways, so why not?! It's the memories and knowledge that are so valuable to me... and it's kind of bad because I always want to return back to the places I've already been!! So my travelling will never be done I guess ... I'll keep wanting to go back to places I've already been lol.  Been to London twice now and I would definitely love to back and live there for a few years...even if it is the most expensive city in the world to live in! O_O

I've only been to Europe so far, but there is still so much of it I want to see!  I'm hoping maybe 2-3 more trips will eventually hit all the spots I want to see...
So this is a list for my own future reference, no need to read it if you don't want to~~
This is not really in order, but I grouped them together by color which means those locations can most likely be visited in the same trip .. to save money on that plane ticket ya know.
  1. Greece (Athens, Greek Islands)
  2. Romania
  3. Croatia
  4. Germany (Berlin, Munich)
  5. Prague
  6. Amsterdam
  7. Switzerland (Swiss Alps)
  8. Sweden (Stockholm)
  9. Brussels 
  10. Spain (Barcelona, Lisbon)
  11. Turkey (Istanbul)
  12. Iceland ( Reykjavik - Blue Lagoon)
  13. Scotland (Isle of Skye, Edinburgh, St. Andrews)
  14. Wales (Cardiff)

Hmmm..I believe that's all for Europe .. YIKES that's kind of a lot ! That's definitely 3 trips worth LOL.

Okay, now moving onto other places .. Obviously Asia is next up on my list! (Actually it's probably first on my list...) Damn there's so many in fucking Asia ... -__- four trips?!
  1. Japan (going next year most likely!! AAHHH!!)
  2. S.Korea
  3. Taiwan
  4. China (Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai)
  5. Mongolia
  6. Philippines
  7. Malaysia
  8. Singapore
  9. Vietnam
  10. Cambodia
  11. Thailand
  12. Laos
  13. Myanmar
  14. India
  15. Sri Lanka
And the rest of the continents:
  1. Morocco
  2. Egpyt
  3. South Africa (Cape Town)
  4. Zimbabwe (safari)
  5. Kenya (safari)
South America:
  1. Brazil
  2. Peru
Central America:
  1. Bahamas & other Caribbean Islands
  2. Mexico
  3. Costa Rica
  1. Australia & New Zealand
  2. New York - DUH
  3. Madagascar
  4. Maldives
  5. Seychelles
Yeah there's probably more that I'm missing but still.. I'll add it later lol.
WHOOOO so many trips ahead of me *____* How exciting ~


Tea said...

Fuckkk mannnnn. THAT'S A LOT.

AiMidori said...

Yo dude thats the whole world XD
But I totally get what you mean, if debt wasn't holding me back right now I'd be saving up just to travel.
They say its better to spend money on experiences than material goods. Material goods lose value and the novelty of it diminishes after you have acquired it. Experiences and memories on the other hand never loses meaning and you'll always treasure them.

Tea said...

GIIRLLL: Bahamas & other Caribbean Islands IS GETTING OFF THE LIST NOW RIGHT? 8D