Saturday, October 03, 2015

Awkward KBBQ

So this guy on facebook, who I shall call "Hawt", added me on facebook a couple months ago. I didn't exactly remember meeting him in real life, but I do KNOW he is quite well known in the cosplay community. I ended up messaging him first and we had a short conversation like me trying to find out why he was adding me. He had a lot of mutual friends thus I figured after a few days of our conversations--- I added him.

So a week later he invited me to an event that was going to happen like 1~2 months later. I knew some people, but not too deeply. I felt like everyone was more like an acquaintance or people I didn't know. I ended up finding an old friend to seat down with comfortable-- We'll call him "Tang". When I walked to the kbbq shop-- Everyone was outside lounging around and of course I was by myself...I felt like everyone was staring at me. It was the worse feeling every because my shy and extroverted modes were clashing against each other. So good thing Tang came up to talk to me while I was secretly screaming at myself on the inside.

Overall I ended up meeting a bit of people they were really nice. Literally everyone was running around drinking, cheering, and toasting randomly. Oh there were lots of selfies going on too. Pretty funny. In the beginning I didn't focus on drinking, but just cooking and eating-- A LOT. The kbbq was like two blocks away from me and 25$ per person.... SO MIGHT AS WELL EAT FIRST RIGHT? After I had my fill I ended up drinking a whole bottle of soju. I was hella buzzed.

Girls kept coming up and sitting beside me telling me "YOU'RE SO FREAKING CUTE."
Uhhmm... It was fun eating and drinking then meeting new people. Everyone was really nice and silly. Imagine screaming everywhere.
"Hawt" was very welcoming.

I didn't know, but "Noodles" ended up coming as well. We talked a little and he seemed a bit uncomfortable so I let him go. Meh.

'BigHead' was actually there too and he was sitting at the table next to me in between two girls. Good to know he isn't trying to get touchy with them like he had done with other girls after me. We avoided eye contact that whole night.

'Soju' is someone who likes to drink a lot of soju. He was sitting at the 'BigHead's' table at the opposite end of me. He offered me a drink and I declined. We said hi and hugged at the front of the shop. Then he wondered off with BigHead. He knows I dated BigHead and it didn't turn out well. 

'Hag' is someone I met at a friend's party before. And she was invited because they wanted to see if she'd fuck herself up. I didn't really like her. I got weird vibes... So I was hoping at the party she wouldn't recognize me. She did at the end though. I was sitting on the curb in front of a parking spot and for some reason people would slowly flock around me then fly away and come back. So there's a cluster fuck of people around me and she comes in like-- Hey! Do you remember me? I was at Lakuma's party a couple months back~
And I'm like uhhhhhh (casually playing like I don't remember).
Hag: You're Lakuma's ex-girlfriend right???
Me: Wait you're 'Hag's name'. Right? And ex-girlfriend?????
Hag: YEAH! You're not Lakuma's ex-girlfriend? Someone told me you were.
Me: No. I've been single the past 3~4 years.
Hag: Oh well I don't know then.~
This bitch. You don't go screaming around who's exgirlfriend of who.

The girls around me start screaming at me: WHY THE HELL ARE YOU SINGLE??? HOW ARE YOU SINGLE???
Me: .... /sweating /shrugs

Apparently Silver's coworker who I met before during a maid cafe event was at the kbbq event. We shall name him 'MH'. I did not recognize him at all without his glasses. We talked a bit too and he added me on FB.

So 'Soju' at some point of being outside --- Starts to come over and sit next to me then puts his arms around my shoulders. Our faces are fucking close so I continue to look in the opposite directions. It's hella weird you know? He got really BUDDY BUDDDYYY with me. 
I was like "Omg. Is he trying to implement to other guys that he got his eyes on me...."
Continue the internal screaming.
By the way, he started doing this A LOT after BigHead left.
Weird. Tang ended up messaging me about it today actually. 
"dunno if you noticed but yeah Soju was a bittoo buddy budy so yeah dunno if you were uncomfortable"
I sort of brushed it off as him being buzzed, but this guy actually holds his alcohol pretty well. So it's a little weird??? He kept trying to get me to get Donuttery with him and his friends too. I kept declining. Weirdos. Pfft.

Anyways that's all I have for now. I know there's a bit of a chunk missing so I'll continue later.
I shall get into details about Hawt later too. He's not hot or anything, but he's a really sweet guy with a super cute daughter. COUGH.


AiMidori said...

Sounds like you had a fun time. Please continue the story.
I want kbbq..... :'(

Lynna said...

Dude wtf. so much happened lolol. Man I hate those situations too when it's a bunch of strangers and I feel extroverted and introverted at the same time haha. I usually resort to being introverted ...UNLESS I HAVE ALCOHOL LOL.

Well sounds like lots of things happened and you had some fun.. Sucks abuot the awkward people though >_> wth is up with soju lol. What a weirdo. Try hard. I'm gonna say you should pass on that one haha.

But wow .. what a hag... that Hag. XD I looked all these people up on facebook. She does seem like she's trying very hard to be cool :| no bueno. PASS.

but Hawt seems really nice. Hope he's not trying to be buddy buddy with you too or try to get in your pants... HE HAS A DAUGHTER?! anyways kinda strange that he added you out of nowhere when you barely know him. Or don't even remember meeting him lolol wat.

Honestly, bighead creeps the shit out of me .. how long did date him for anyways? And were you guys actually ever official? Like gf/bf?? because if you were I do not recall that at all...


He's not in the glossary ._.'''' I was having a really hard time.

Man I had a crazy weekend too. Did this all happen saturday night?

Tea said...

Yeah it was all Saturday. :S Adding Tang in right now