Monday, September 06, 2010


On getting a boyfriend~
I hope you guys have a wonderful time together ~

Met Boba on Friday with Midori.
I approve of him. He doesn't even hug Kim in front of us. @_@;;

AiMidori and Kimlink!
You guys need to change your poupee thing at the right.

I got crepe delivery on Saturday! It was nice until I found out there was New York Cheese Cake bites in it. My stomach exploded with the chocolate inside of it. Super sweet. -dies- It was still pretty good though. I thank Rice for the free delivery and payment! Green Tea Ice cream...yum.

My head hurts. More than usual. My eyes feel sore from the headache. Augh.
Remember how I told you guys about my mom going to take a holiday off and rest by herself at a hotel?
Well, she did that yesterday. I was glad she did it, but my dad kept bothering her. It was at night and my dad was wondering when my mom was coming home. I told him, " I don't think mom's coming home tonight. She's probably staying at a hotel." His response, "Pfft, why would she do that and waste money when she can just sleep at home?" I didn't respond to him.
Few hours went by and my dad kept trying to call my mom. She turned off her phone. He started freaking out and kept trying to call her. When he finally went through he kept telling her to come home. Of course, she didn't want to. She hung up saying that her phone was running out of batteries.
Another few hours passed by...
I was in the kitchen frying onions again. (Hah :> ) My dad called both of my brothers into the kitchen and started his lecturing...again. He made my brothers drive out to the beach and look for my mom.
"I know your mom! She's not staying at a hotel! She's walking around the beach again! I don't know what she'll do and she might get herself in some trouble. So I want you two to go look for her on the beach. Just keep driving until you see her car."
Frog said, "How are we going t---".
"...We aren't going to call the poli--" My dad interrupted.
"I wasn't going to say to call the police! How are we going to find her? Do you even know how big the beach is?!"
"That's why I want both of you to go. Take to seperate cars and go look for her. I can't find her because I can't see very well in the dark. Go find her with the thought that you love her and you want her to be home."
My thoughts slowly rage with anger as I slowly flipped the onions...
Dad...You know what you're saying right? That it's our fault for not being a're blaming us for the issue when it isn't even us...Why can't you take the warning I tell "She'll be alright and she wants to be by herself"...Dad...Dad.....Can I even still call you that anymore...? What happened to your wise self when you knew something was wrong and how you made things so much easier? If you love her Dad...then wouldn't you have gone to look for her even if you were blind...or gone with my brothers at least...
Both of my brothers left. I stayed home with my...Dad. During that long period of time my dad came up to me while I was frying.
"Do you know that video? When you went to Washington DC?"
"Yeah, what about it Dad?"
"Do you know who he was calling Ong Xa in the video?"'T YOU KNOWN HER FOR MORE THAN 20 YEARS NOW? HOW DARE YOU QUESTION ME WITH THAT KIND OF QUESTION. MOM, MOM would NEVER cheat on anyone. It's rather...She would NEVER go with another man! Dad, stop with your overreacted thinking and wake up. It's so simple...Can't you just care for her instead of so much for anyone else...?
"Dad, she was with me the whole time. There's nothing to worry about."
So he sat down and started studying for a so-called test he has on Tuesday...or was it Wednesday...?
Time went by quickly...Then I started to feel it...

The silence that was so noisy. The silence that's in this place called home now began to quadruple the noise in my mind.

The silence befalls in your home
becomes the noise in your mind.

Now the silence is about to befall between my family...
and I can't seem to keep down the KFC I had this noon.

My brothers come home with no third person in their car. Everyone is quiet...and I can feel the craziness building in my dad.

"Did you call her at least?" My dad sounded...pestered.
"What did she say?"
"She said to just let her be alone and to not call her again or she'll go kill herself."

Everything went silent again...
"Yup..that's mom," I thought

I can't finish this. I feel sick trying to remember it.

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